Behind the scene
The dream, sweet word that represents what we desire, what we wish to achieve.
Everyone has a dream, I am not talking about the one we all hope for, winning the lottery, buying a great seaside villa, a yacht and spending our lives traveling...No, I am talking about this dream, these dreams that are the reflection of our personality, that make us move forward in life and that make our eyes light up, every time we talk about it or think about it.
A few months ago, I had the chance to live one of them!
A little girl's dream came true; I became a perfumer and launched my first perfume collection! The realization of two years of work, research, development, investment, doubts; but also, two beautiful years of sharing, excitement, surpassing oneself and encounters. It is a moment full of emotion, recognition, and pride. But all this would not have been possible without the people behind the scenes. These people who believed in me and in my project, who supported me and helped me. I would like to introduce you to these wonderful people without whom this dream might never have become reality!
Jacinthe Lessard
A wonderful encounter, around a common passion, which led us to collaborate. For a little more than a year Jacinthe has become my mentor, this person who guides you with wisdom and kindness. She has always been able to find the right words and attentions to help me, to make me move forward, and to refocus me with myself and with the perfumer that I have become.
These shared moments are especially important to me. It is hard to describe, but when we create together, it's a moment of alchemy; each perfumer has a specific way of working and a world of his own; with Jacinthe our two worlds complement each other, and we have a real pleasure to work together. I could never show her all my gratitude for what she brings to me and for all the moments spent together. Life sometimes gives us beautiful gifts by putting extraordinary people on our path.
Aurore Lefevre

Full of cheerfulness, vitality, and humor, Aurore is an incredible woman!
A talented graphic designer, she embarked almost two years ago on the exciting adventure of entrepreneurship, which has been a great success for her, as she has done some wonderful campaigns.To give you an example, remember the incredible Bota Bota spa campaign for the summer of 2020, she is the one who created this little masterpiece. It was a real pleasure to work with Aurore and her good humor; passionate, creative, and professional, she knew how to understand and put forward the message we wanted through the design. She is the one who created all our visuals on our online store, these beautiful mockups of our collection; but not only that, she also created our brand image, logo, labels, boxes... so didn't I tell you she is talented?!
Thank you my dear Aurore.
Hugo Allain

Hugo is my super man of the web universe; a world in which I feel lost, but where he knew how to guide me with simplicity. Professional and brilliant web designer, he is a specialist in webmaketing strategy who has many strings to his bow.
We are incredibly lucky to benefit from his know-how and all his precious advice. He helped us create our website and helped us manage our social media campaigns. Still today he continues to make us travel and guide us in this complex but exciting world.
Thank you Hugo for being part of this beautiful adventure.
I still have one more person to introduce. A person who during all the creation and development of this adventure supported me and wore all these different hats, from the development of the brand image, through the selection of the selected fragrances, to the management and creation of our online store.He is my confidant, my best friend, my husband.
Thank you for everything; thank you for being by my side, for supporting me and helping me make this dream come true.
Before hanging up my pen, I also want to thank you, you who read this article; as well as all those who support us and who began their journey in the Kanopé universe through our different fragrances
Thank you for giving us your trust without you this adventure would not exist.
WoW ! Que de plaisir à lire toute les présentations de vos parfums ont a un peu l’impression de voyager avec vous . Sublime et intriguant , il va falloir maintenant que j’essaie vos parfum pour continuer mon voyage à moi …..merci 😘
Encore un moment intense à te lire tu as une plume merveilleuse qui te permet de nous faire connaître la personnalité des gens qui t’entourent et t’accompagnent dans ton extraordinaire aventure.
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